If You Love Me by Helena Hunting releasing March 13, 2025

5 stars


There was so much to love about Lexi and Roman! How about that fact that they had the most amazing chemistry, like, leap of the pages and shake you to the core, chemistry. Or the fact that they are just such really nice, caring, loving, people, who would do anything, give anything, for those they care about. It could be the fact that they keep trying to operate with the minds and stay away, but their hearts and bodies just won’t let that happen. This is a longing from afar, oops we slipped, can’t be together, until they can’t deny it any longer, and now we are committed to each other for all time, romance. There are tears, there are laughs, there is a ridiculous amount of scorching heat, and there is an HEA that couldn’t happen to two nicer people <3

