The Charlie Method by Elle Kennedy available at audible and KU

5 stars


These three were fabulous on their own, but together, they are a special kind of magical! All of them are a serious case of “what you see isn’t what’s true” and they have depths, fears, worries, and emotions that they hide, some even from themselves. Charlie is the most obvious split, and she is well aware of it, and embraces it. Will has become so used to doing what he should and not rocking the boat, parts of him are buried so deep. Beck was the surprise, because we knew there was more, but how much more wasn’t clear. Together, they work through it all. Together, they find the way to make it work. Together, they create a relationship specifically tailored to them, their needs, their personalities, and their love <3

p.s. We get some moments with the OG’s and next class, and they made for some absolute hysterical moments 😊 😊 😊

