Rom Com Collection by Kendall Ryan available everywhere and in audio at Everand


Love Machine - 4 stars

Always with a friends to lovers you are interested in how they figure it out, and what they do when that happens. These two flipped the tables a bit, but finally figured it out

Mister Tonight - 4 stars

Cute read of a single dad and career woman who have an interruptus, only to end up as neighbours, and falling for each other <3

Baby Daddy - 5 stars

Okay, I loved these two! Individually or together, they just had such personality, confidence, strength, and vulnerability, you couldn’t help but like them. I mean, we knew they were doomed to keep it strictly emotion free from the start, but being with them as they figured that out was wonderful <3

Screwed  - 3 stars

I really didn’t like the MMC at the start and almost bailed because of it. He never really recovered from that, though, the slow build-up and steam between the characters was awesome!
