5 stars
Mist Rising
– What was that ending???? Wow, I was really enjoying the story, not sure
where it was going or what the outcome could be, but happily along for the
ride. Everyone was interesting, you’re never sure of people’s intentions,
mysteries and monsters everywhere, so yeah, I wanted to be there for what
happened. Then, in the last few pages, it all tips everything over, and I
need to re-think it all! Lying
Mirror – Whoa, that did not go at all like I expected and I am fully invested
in how this story will play out!!! Everything gets turned upside down and
around, and you aren’t sure who is what and what is who, and I need to know
what the truth is! Deadly
Abyss – This was a wild ride! Everything comes to light, and not all things
are shiny and good. The past is finally revealed, and the future unclear,
until it is the moment it is known. Fast paced, so interesting, and a very
satisfying end <3 |
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