5 stars
I took a
long time to finish this book, and that was a good thing for me. Firstly, I
didn’t want it to end, because I knew it was the end of the series. Secondly,
I wanted to savour every word, every moment, every happening. Thirdly, this
is a big book, so it would’ve taken me longer overall, and still, I didn’t
want it to end. This series creates a family, and you become part of that
family by reading these books. Full out, no lie, read the first book and you’ll
see. Once you do, you’ll be like me, and feel a little empty, but so happy,
that things that needed to be worked out, happened. That these characters,
our family, got the moments they needed to bring them fulfillment. That the
love that permeates from these people, not just characters, but people, got
to be shared in their way, on their terms. |
Thank you to
the creators and the authours of this series, you created a world that resonated
with so many people, on so many levels, and that isn’t an easy accomplishment.
I appreciate every laugh, every cringe, all the fear, and all the tears, that
I’ve had by reading these books over the years. My mind, my heart, and my
soul, will project that these people are thriving in Anniston Falls, and as
always, provide a safe haven at The Asylum <3 |
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