Stolen Faith by Mari Carr and Lila Dubois releasing October 3, 2023

 5 stars

That was insanely wild! There is fast-paced, and then there is lightening speed, and this story zoomed along, and I was right there for every twist, turn, and pit stop. We have our trinity, kidnapped before they even have a chance to get to know each other. We have, no wait, can’t say that, it would give something away, but just know, there is A LOT going on here. Some of it is extremely painful and will leave lasting effects. Some of it is fun, because survival means feeling the good to override the bad. Some of it is so full of love, affection, and attraction, it can’t be confined by the situation and the atmosphere they are thrown into. Once I started, I couldn’t stop, and I didn’t notice the passage of time while reading, it was that good! Now, onto the Spaniard 😊
