The Beginning of Everything by Kristen Ashley available everywhere and in audio at audible

 5 stars


Okay, this is truly an epic fantasy, with varying POV’s, centuries long rivalries, and imminent world destruction on the horizon! I will admit, I was a little hesitant at the start, there were so many characters to get to know, but I quickly had them sorted out, and they quickly had my heart. Layer upon layer of stories, deep intrigue and deception, and royal families that are strong and fraying, all focused on the magic that must be done. Our couples were chosen by the fates, not each other, and they think their task to be simple, but *squeal* Frey and the elves know better (we get them in one scene, and that solidified I needed to settle in for the story!). I was completely drawn in by each couple, their stories, and all the danger surrounding them, and without taking a breath, dove instantly into the next part of the story!
