Cougar Mom and Tiger Mom by Eve Langlais available everywhere in ebook and audio and in Kobo Plus

 5 stars


These two were just extremely interesting! Hugo is a bit of a mystery, you aren’t quite sure what is going on or why, and Ariel, well, she is a source of all sorts of different things. Amnesia, wow, no wonder Hugo was suspicious, but I completely fell in love with them both, and how they interacted with each other, wonderful and entertaining. Plus, a wedding, so catching up with some of our favourites <3

Okay Macy/Portia and Ted are my favourite! They didn’t start out that way, in fact, it took me some time to warm up to Portia, but once I did, it was sealed. Add in the genius, yet naïve, twins, and this story kept everything, and everyone, hopping!
