Semper Fi Marines collection by Melissa Schroeder

 3.5 stars


Tease Me 3 stars

There were things I liked about this story, strong female, bumbling male who doesn’t know what to do with his feelings. And there were some things I didn’t like about this book, she was ‘hot’ now and ‘grew into her looks’ before she was noticed. She came home from a shift at the hospital and he was licking her all over, which, ew, let the girl shower. Overall, a good friends to lovers, with a few things that bothered me


Tempt Me 4 stars

I really liked the honesty between these two! While they still kept part of themselves back, as anyone would, they were clear with what they wanted. When that changed, there was a bit of an issue, but it all worked out in the end


Touch Me by Melissa Schroeder 3 stars

Jack was intriguing as a character and I wouldn’t wait to get to his story, but he sort of let me down. Honestly, there was nothing wrong with his story, it was just boring. It had flashes that were good, and then I would zone out again.
