Wicked Beauty by Candace Blevins releasing March 30, 2023

 5 stars

I read the first word in this story and was “whoa” and then I couldn’t dive into the story fast enough. If you have read any of the paranormal books by this authour, you will need to read this one. If you haven’t, don’t worry, everything is explained, and you can follow along easily. There was a lot that happened, but it was so evenly paced, you flowed along with it. As it did, you realized how much all of it made such sense. Gavin has always been seen in such a negative light, it was a change to see him care. How it got that way, painful. Deciding to take chances, brave. You realize he was seen as a caricature, when he was always a fully developed character. This was a cerebral love story, though it has a lot of heat, and targeted wooing. Part one has left with a question that will definitely have me coming back to see how part two plays out!
