Deserving Henley by Susan Stoker available in audio and releasing in ebook January 3, 2023

 5 stars


The thing I love about this series it that it doesn’t shy away from the fragility of life. It also doesn’t hide the joy and wonder that life can bring, and this book brought that tenfold. Tonka is the most damaged of the owners at The Refuge, which means he has the most to feel and give. After opening up a very small amount, he found he could a little bit more, each time he tried. Henley and Jasna allow him the time and space he needs, while being with him when he needs it. Loved the crossover to the Eagle Point Search and Rescue series, and that bit of insight into a character there.

We all know when you have kids and animals, they steal the show. But we also know when kids or animals are threatened, it squeezes your heart. Be prepared for some tension, but also know there is relief. Once again, the authour has woven a tale that captures your heart and soul, and leaves you happy and satisfied. Loved all the characters, old and new, and cannot wait for more in this world <3
