Sub 101 part two by Bianca Sommerland and Tibby Armstrong available now and in Kobo+

 5 stars

Now it’s time for a test! There is a lot that happens to get to that point, but really, what is the point of going to class and learning if you don’t get to show what you learned? Oh, and there’s a new guy, who I absolutely love, and if he is heading for the relationship I think he is, then I’m even more excited <3 This is a monster of a book, and lots happened, but most importantly, a lot of the things that were up in the air at the end of part one get addressed here. The tag line is “got a secret” and while one is obvious, a few more come to light as well, though we’re not really given a lot of info, just some hints. We get lots of time with lots of our favourites (chapter 17 was a dream #TeamShacks!) and issues are exposed, dealt with, and fun times are had. There was so much to love in this book with the overriding theme easily being, there is so much to love in the people around you <3
