Where I Belong, All I Want and All I Want by J Daniels, available everywhere

 5 stars

Where I Belong

Ben and Mia were just so sweet together, I get what everyone goes on about now! I’ve read some of the novellas in this series, so I’ve seen this beautiful family, but it did not prepare me for how wonderful their start really was. Ben and Mia have a rough start, but his persistence wears her down pretty quickly. They still have things to work through, but their commitment to each other shines through at every turn. So much chemistry, so much love, so much of an HEA they will have together <3

All I Want

These two put me through the wringer! There was no way, no way, they could move past all the problems that were keeping them apart, yet together. It was a train wreck of epic proportions, but you knew it was always there, just out of reach, skimming their fingertips. And it all fell apart again and again, until it fell apart for good. Then, and only then, did it move into their grasp, and with those two little words, “Ask Me”, it all came together, strong and forever <3

All We Want

Ugh, I am all teary-eyed, happy tears, but still! I love after-the-HEA stories, and Tessa and Luke delivered big time with theirs. The bond between is stronger than ever, their lives are completely unsettled, and they still wait until everything implodes to work through it. But they also have so much love, it radiates. They have so much happiness, it is infectious. They have so much and they experience loss and disappointment. But, they get so much by the end of the book, queue the happy tears 😊
