Heart of the Wolf by Cherise Sinclair available now everywhere

 5 stars

I was so happy that Heather, a beloved character in the series, finally was getting her story. And it did not disappoint, full of emotion, action, and strong characters everywhere. This was a beautiful story of 6 souls that needed soothing, Heather, Madoc, Niall and André were obvious, as our lead love interests, but little Talam and Sky simply stole my heart. This authour weaves such a tale, you are drawn in, you visualize everything, you want everything and everyone’s story, and this was the same. Heather gets what she has always wanted but has alluded her. Her mates get what they needed but didn’t realize was missing. 4 people, all the love, and a growing family from the start, it was as perfect as a cuddle pile <3
