Frisky Beaver series by Ainsley Booth and Sade Haller

 5 stars

Prime Minister

This story felt full and robust, if that makes sense? I felt completely in the moments with the characters, as their desires grew, as their relationship started and had set backs, as they figured things out and how to make it work for them. Nothing felt rushed or out of place, smexy happened naturally, dialogue was smart, emotions were typical in the circumstances presented. I was glued to the pages, wanting to know what would happen next, and then next, and then next, but not anxious about any of it. I thoroughly enjoyed it <3

Doctor Bad Boy

It took me a bit to warm up to these two, I liked them well enough, but as a couple they just didn’t click right away for me. Of course, that was the problem with both of them as well, so I was right there with them on their journey. They definitely had chemistry, but it took a while for them to connect cerebrally, and that was difficult to experience for them. They brought it all around in the end though, and it was all the sweeter because of it!

Full Mountie

I love Lachlan!!! I mean, he really is the best and nothing can deter me from that, so obviously, I wasn’t crazy about Hugh at the start. He seemed to be a nemesis for Lachlan, but I soon realized that wasn’t the case. Beth surprised me in this story, she was much stronger and more determined that she has appeared in the other two books. In the end, these three had a lot to work through, and they didn’t always handle it well. Their flaws made them all the more likable, and by the end of the book, I was as invested in their relationship as they were. I wasn’t sure about this when I started, but I was completely in love by the end <3

Mr. Hat Trick

I adored this story! It felt light, and fun, and unbelievably sexy, or maybe that was just because Tate and Sasha were all those things. Don’t get me wrong, there is a lot of depth of feelings, but these two take things in stride as they side-step anything that could make them uncomfortable. That meant they broke my heart when they had to deal with things, and that didn’t really go well. Them working things out their own way, that was simply the icing on the cake <3
