Trading Up by Cathryn Fox releasing February 15, 2022

 4 stars

Oh, a fake relationship, plus friends to lovers, plus best friends’ little sister? This hit so many things I love in a good love story that I had high hopes going in, and it met every single one of those expectations! Lots of ‘but it’s fake and feels so real’; lots of ‘hide what is really going on from the brother/best friend’; Lots of steamy things that need to be hidden too, so be prepared to need to be cooled down! What these two fail to realize, but is apparent to everyone around them, is that they were made for each other, had been for years, but were super slow on the uptake of that fact. A super slimy bad guy is the push needed, but for every step forward, it seems these two take 2 steps back. That is until it all finally comes together, and then, it is perfection <3
