Broken Justice by Bianca Sommerland available now!

 5 stars

I don’t even know where to begin with how much I loved this story! It starts with a new guy about, River, and we can’t tell if he is a good guy or a bad guy, or even why he is there. Our Core aren’t silly people though, and Seth is the one to take on this newcomer. There are lots of things that are too spoiler-y to talk about, but what you get throughout is that this found family really and truly comes together, with all the dynamics of a functional-dysfunctional family. They add two more this time, and more polyamory connections are made as a duo is formed.


We got to spend time with all of the core, there was a scene near the end where, even though everyone isn’t there, most are, and it just encapsulates how all the different pieces connect and fit together. I shed tears, I laughed, I awww’d, and I fell in love with River and Tay, and everyone else, all over again. Some long awaited moments happen in this book, tenuous connections re-established, emotions uncontained, a new life welcomed. There were also some huge surprises, unknown connections revealed, unexpected destruction, possible infallibility. That ending just about had me crawling out of my skin with the “OH WOW” factor!!!


Settling in with The Asylum again was like coming home and wrapping up in the most comfiest of blankets and I loved every moment spent in the story <3
