By Sin I Rise Part 2 by Cora Reilly releasing December 14, 2021

 5 stars

Wow, I didn’t know how this could work out and am completely happy on how it did! Marcella and Maddox continue their story, this time in her world, not his. While we get to see what Maddox was up to while away form Marcella, we also see how he is always going to be himself. He doesn’t conform, he doesn’t submit, he won’t toe the line, but he will do whatever he has to in order to be in Marcella’s world to be with her. Marcella is no slouch either, she grows up from the princess she was to the queen she is, all Vitiello and the perfect blend of her mother and father. The differences can’t keep these two apart, the bond between them too strong no matter the test. Both of these characters come into their own, are strong alone and invincible together. This is them figuring out how they will work in the world they have chosen to live in, and still be themselves. They do that and more <3


Bonus, we get a chapter from Aria’s POV, and it was beautiful and showed the strength she still has in her family. One of the best things was when Luca would get so mad, and Aria would simply place her hand on his arm to calm him down. Amo is front and centre, Luca’s heir in every way, moving from boy to man. Gianna and Matteo have their moments, one of the best when Matteo is on the phone and Gianna and Isa are talking to him behind the scenes 😊 Matteo and Gianna still buck the system in their own ways, helping out our lovebirds as only they can! Growl is around, because, duh, puppies, but also he can relate in being an outsider finding his way, and he and Maddox find that common ground. It was great to see the characters we know and love, but even if you hadn’t read their books, their presence and reasoning is explained, without it being redundant if you already know them


This first story in the next gen sucked me in and reminded me why I love the stories of the New York Famiglia so much. They were the ones I fell in love with first, and this is only extending the love story!
