Sweet Dreams by Kristen Ashley available everywhere and in audio

 5 stars


Ah, where to begin? Well, firstly, I can see why Tate might get a lot of hate based on his behaviour, but really, he never gave me a ‘bad guy’ feel and I was never tempted to stop reading the book. I just knew and trusted that Lauren wouldn’t put up with him as is and would set him straight, and goddess, she came through. But then again, so did he. A lot, I mean a lot, happens between these two, and for a while it is more bad than good. For the next while, it is pretty close to a 50/50 split of bad to good. The good comes at the end. The good comes when they save themselves, and because of that, save each other. The good is so good, the bad isn’t forgotten, back fades to the background as a measure of how good it is now. Tate and Lauren and Carnal, and the townsfolk contained therein, were absolutely wonderful and left me very happy indeed!
