Enemy Heir by Carrie Ann Ryan and Nana Malone releasing November 16, 2021

 5 stars

Breck and Sparrow definitely kept me entertained! These two are quick-witted, saucy, snarky, and great with the zingers. But they are also deep souls, sheltered hearts, hidden feelings, and quick to protect. Not all is at it seems with Alden’s Playboy Prince, and Sparrow starts to suspect there is more behind the veil he presents to the world. While Breck relishes and enflames his reputation, it still stings when the people he loves can’t see beyond it. Danger is afoot and everyone is trying to protect everyone else, while these two fight, and fail, to give in to their attraction. Hearts get hurt and egos get bruised but the truth comes through and these two get their HEA!
