Keane Her Ruthless Ex by Theodora Taylor available everywhere and in audio

 5 stars


I was hooked on this story when, what became Chapter 4, was on the Read Me Romance podcast. It immediately went on my TBR for when the full story release, which didn’t happen because, life. Then it was on sale for the audio on Kobo and I snapped it up! I was in need of some light reads before I could pick this up, but as I was able, I grabbed it and queued it up!

I loved this story, and I am not a fan of bully romances in the least. This read more like a series of near misses, wrong timing, and immature feelings. Those continued, some to a larger extent than others, as past traumas and events are dealt with, current barriers are overcome, and mistakes continue to be made. No easy answers or solutions exist for these two, everything is a struggle, a fight, or something in their way. Even when things seem clear, it becomes cloudy. It makes the moment they both let go and let things happen all the sweeter, all the more perfect, and the very best for them both <3
