5 stars
Then, now,
and why??? Weird way to start a review but this story packed a lot, showing
us the now and how things are and working through how things were. But we
also get glimpses and moments of the then, a couple of thens, but when you
have a story that spans 40+ years, there some pretty significant thens. This
starts the River Rain series, and it starts with the two people who make up
the family that you can see the River Rain will be, Bowie and Genny. They,
along with their third friend, Corey, have lived a lot of life, with ups and
downs, and break-ups and make-ups, and are finally to a place where they can
think about being together, again, forever. And as with any second chance, or
third chance, or finally chance, the one scene that caused me the only
heartbreak through the whole book was the ‘what if’ and while our characters
recognize the here and now is what they have, they can’t help but wonder. The
here and now is pretty awesome really, with 4 sons and 2 daughters between
them, plus her friendly ex, and his, not so much, and that shadow and
lingering of Corey, that still leaves the questions of why? Anyway, needless
to say I am hooked and ready for daughter #1 to get her story! |
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