Lessons in Sin by Pam Godwin releasing June 29, 2021

 5 stars

I love it when a book “feels” like its’ story, and this one definitely hit every mark on that front! From an exquisite mansion of the uber-riche, to a stark office in a catholic boarding school, to a cabin in the woods, alive with life and nature, I felt each of these places as an integral part of the story, not just the setting for a story. That story though, that surpassed anything I anticipated!

“Hell is fast approaching, little girl. But I assure you, it’s not coming for me.”

Tinsley and Magnus were also taken by surprise on how things developed, who they veered off course, taking them along for a ride neither wanted or expected.

"If people had hearts like Tinsley Constantine, my faith in humanity would be renewed."

Each day, each little thing, surprised them both with the outcome, drawing them closer while they backed away.

“I tried to protect you.” He curled his fingers around my throat and scraped his teeth against my jaw. “I tried , and now, it’s too late. I won’t be able to stop. Not with you.”

Neither could stop the ending they were barreling towards, and really, deep down they didn’t want to

"he worshiped my body with all the devoutness of a Catholic priest."

Desperate times caused them to take desperate measures, but their hearts knew. And those hearts, with Magnus’ experience, weren’t giving up, weren’t backing down, until they found that way to be together forever <3
