Wild Love by Melissa Schroeder releasing May 27, 2021

 5 stars

When two geeks find each other, superheroes give out high-fives! That is exactly how this story felt, along with a whole lot of relationship denial. From Everly that is, because she has these ‘rules’ to keep her heart safe. Trouble is, she didn’t really need her rules, because she never felt for anyone before. Until Quinn, and she probably realized deep down she off script from the morning after, and she did have a few moments of clarity, but she dismissed them. Quinn knew what he wanted from the start, and he took little edges here and there to get them, not sneaking them, but being upfront with Everly about it. She needed to be in control, and he let it be for her sake. That made the moments when they were together, came together, and finally when they stay together, all the better. The town of Juniper springs is a character unto itself, and I am looking forward to all it has to offer!
