Notorious by Diana Palmer releasing June 15, 2021

 2 stars

There were a few things that I liked about this book but so much more that were issues. The book starts out with a grown woman mocking a teenager for how she dressed and looked. This was neither smart or endearing, and really made me dislike our supposed heroine from the start. Then there was the constant character dumps, and I mean every other page take a page to explain who was who and how they were connected, and then it was all explained again, and then again, and then again. Of course, by the time that ended, there were new characters to have explained in pages long connections, and at least twice, if not three times. For someone who supposedly had no family, there was a lot of explanations of the family she did have. So why not one star? Well, I did like the teenager, she was a real character and pretty normal amidst the high and mighty preachy adults. I also thought our hero was okay, even if he was mostly two-dimensional. Like I said, there were a few things I liked but mostly this was a chore to read and had very little meat to the story or the characters
