Broken Hearts by M O'Keefe releasing April 27, 2021

 5 stars

I cannot believe how much I loved this book! I mean, sometimes, the second book in a trilogy is good as it continues on the story, but this book, this 2 of 3, it could be a standalone. This is all about Ronan and Poppy, who they are, who they’ve become, how they became these people. It transports you with them, you feel the atmosphere, the cold, the wind, the roaring fire. You feel the frustration, the heat, the understanding, and the pain. You feel the secrets, the discoveries, and the determination. The two people who you meet at the start of the book are not the same two people by the end of the book, and that is a good thing. Now, who they become in the third book? That I cannot wait to see <3
