Wild Wind by Kristen Ashley releasing March 9, 2021

 5 stars

I did it again, I will never learn!!!! I started this book at reasonable hour at night, and with the idea I would stop at X hour, even if I wasn’t done. Well, that hour came and went, and I chuckled to myself, because there was no stopping until the story was complete. And what a story it was, filled with heat, attraction, brotherhood, sisterhood, shared bonds, hurt, pain, love, and uncertainty


Jagger and Archie shared a bond few ever do, or we would ever want them to. But as with all things in life, timing and maturity are everything, and things weren’t right until they were. Both dove in with all they had and we soon learned that as open as Archie was, Jagger had things he was closed about. Jagger wasn’t even sure what it was, and he broke my heart as he tried to figure things out. While doing that, Archie was taking control of her personal situation and sorting through things, which gave Jagger lots to focus on. As she got things on track, Jagger continued to fall off the rails internally. She finally got him to a point where he shared, and goddesses, have the tissues ready, because it is a waterfall event.  But it set things to get right, in both their worlds, because finally nothing was held back between them. You could almost hear the locks snap into place as their future was solidified and a calm settled into their world


And then I hit chapter 18, and I saw the POV, and I saw the timeline, and I burst into tears without reading a word. I knew it would be important, I knew it would be pivotal, and while I knew it would mean the world to Jagger, I knew how much it would hurt to give that to him. It tore my heart out, but it was so important. Later, Keely gives something to Jagger that brought tears to my eyes, and it filled me with warmth and happiness. That is what Jagger needed to fill that spot in his soul, his heart, that area that always felt dark and in the shadows. It needed both these moments, both these memories, to shine that light and show him there never was an emptiness, just an uncertainty he carried. To those that loved him and knew him, it had always been right there in front of them


This is a chaos book, and Jagger is a Black, so we get to see a few of our favourites. Obviously Hound and Keely are here, and Dutch and Georgie. Jagger works in the garage with Joker, so we get a moment with him, Carissa, and their brood. Shy and Dog have cameos too. But the most extras we get are Archie’s crew. She owns a shop, and her employees are the greatest sidekicks ever!!! She also has a pretty great family, minus one we can hope will turn around, and they provided some memorable moments as well. Add in some tweens, and a whole new world where Archie lives, and Jagger becomes part of, is the main setting for the story.


I loved Jagger and Archie’s story. It had had a wide range of emotions, and while it had sadness, pain, and grief, it also had fun, giggles, and laughs. There were moments that were sexy, and moments that were sweet. But the one things that radiated off the pages for me was love. Familial love, partnership love, couple love, friendship love, sisterly love, and brotherly love. What Jagger and Archie felt, was all of these loves, and they felt it together, as they faced whatever was going to come in their world, together <3
