Shamrocks and Surprises by Elle Rush releasing March 1, 2021

 5 stars

Sometimes you just need a sweet story to warm you up, and this definitely hit the spot! The fact it is set in a small town that goes all out for holidays, well, that’s one of my weaknesses I couldn’t resist. I mean, the town is called Holiday!!! Lucy and Roy are either completely together, or he is at odds with her for one of various reasons he has blown out of proportion. Love that she never lets him get away with that, and also that she is a genuinely kind and caring person. She just has bad luck. That comes out with her interactions with the townsfolk, the caring and the luck, and she quickly becomes a part of this community. Roy comes around, eventually, on many things he thought were one way, but really were him being stubborn, and with both our characters finally on the same page, they can begin their HEA.
