Rocky Mountain Forever by Vivian Arend available now!

5 stars 

There is something infinitely special about a book that really is a reunion of all the characters from a series, plus one who has been on the edges. This is all the Six Pack Colemans, the original generation, and the generation we’ve come to know and love over the course of this series. Uncle Mark is back, and he gets his own story, but woven through it, Blake, Matt, Daniel, Travis, Joel, and Jesse, get their moments, along with their wives, and their children. Not to me left out, Randy and George, along with Mike, and their wives, get their moments, and some insight into the past. Angel Creek is also well represented, and we get to visit with Gabriel and Allison, Rafe and Laurel, and of course, Dana. With uncle Mark, comes the connection to Trevor and Becky, and they bring Lee and Rachel, and Anna and Melody are along for the fun as well.


Moments in this book made me cry, in happiness mostly, but there were some sad memories. Moments in this book made we smile, made me giggle, and made me laugh out loud, such is the Coleman clan. Moments in this book were sweet, sexy, and love absolutely shone of the pages and blinded you with its’ beauty. This book brought us up to date and gave glimpses of the future, and it was wonderful to be there with this family as they moved through their lives, and let us on in on their moments. I can’t even express how much this book meant to me and how much I loved it <3
