Free by Kristen Ashley available now everywhere!

 5 stars

Wow, I am awestruck at how amazingly this book tied up, linked together, and pulled apart, all the interwoven stories that have been building in the Chaos world since Motorcycle Man. Seriously, this book was a beast, but it had a lot to do, and it did it all so beautifully, I was glued to it until it was done. At the heart of it all, well, the heart is always Tack, that’s a given, but for this story, that eighteen year old boy who kept playing the same song on repeat in his dad’s basement, he’s all grown up, and Rush get’s his HEA. He stays true to his name, and luckily, his girl is there with him, because one glance, and then one meeting, and these two were all in! Their story played true and straight, and while the world disintegrated, and family issues, good and bad, played out, they had each other. And they needed each other. Bad guys got their due, good people were done bad, relationships were repaired, and others irrevocably damaged, but in the end, the boys in Chaos and their ole ladies rode through it all and into the that bright, shiny, sunset, together and free <3
