Stolen Justice by Bianca Sommerland and Tibby Armstrong releasing September 29, 2020

 5 stars

I’m a sucker for the underdog, so I loved Pike right from the start! While he wasn’t naive or innocent, he had a vulnerability to him, and a need to be cared for, that was always right there on the surface. Watching him grow, develop, and embrace his submission, his feelings, his love and trust for those around him, while essentially staying the same person, I loved him more with each step of his journey.


You know who else I loved? Seth and Quint! No, really, the main characters, if there is such a thing in a book in this series, all spoke and appealed to me for completely different reasons. Seth was understated in his emotions, but he was fun, sarcastic, loving, kind, and man, he had some deep insights and such a logical way of thinking *swoon*. Quint was so capable, so caring, and so self-aware, it is no wonder people were confused by his submission status. He feels deeply, he loves completely, and his vulnerabilities are deeply hidden, and only those who take the time to know him, understand them, see the real him.


I was so happy the core learned from their fiasco with Danny when it came to Pike, and Quint; Seth was having none of their foolishness! We get another sub-collaboration, which ends as most do, badly, for the subs. We see more Ezran, a few glimpses of Garet, a couple peeks from Sin and Tay. Jared and Wren are front and centre, Curtis plays a huge part in this story, we even got a peek into the relationship dynamics of Rhodey and Avery. Sweet Danny plays a part in some pivotal scenes, and Noah and Rhodey get called to task by Tracey, which was awesome!


I just have one question though, WHY DO THE AUTHOURS KEEP HURTING LAWSON AND MATT????? I cried one time in this book, and guess who evoked this, Matt. And then Lawson with Matt. Geesh, give these two a break and let them snuggle in their happiness, though, the way this storyline is going, that ain’t happening anytime soon


The story is told in varying viewpoints, depending on who is at the centre of the action. And there is a lot of action in this story as complex and deep backgrounds are uncovered, and the complexities of the relationships are peeled away. So much happens, but it is so fast paced, the pages sped by. There is a lot of heart here, a lot of looking into ones’ soul for what is important, what the character needs, and what those they love need. The core of the Asylum grows with this book, but more importantly, it binds together to find its’ heart, and strengthens with the synergy of them all beating together


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