Neutral Zone Trap by Bianca Sommerland available now and in Kobo+!

 5 stars

There is so much comfort in reading a Cobra story; It is akin to coming home and settling in and catching up with friends. Braxton has been on the peripheral of some of the major stories already told, and those yet to be said. Ryan is the sibling to one of those in the series quartet and has been around too. These two connected, then danced, weaved, and bobbed around each other here. The attraction was undeniable, but the feelings took longer to acknowledge. While it took some time, time that was needed, neither was going to practice self-denial, and when they go in, it is all in. Ahh, and then the trouble triplets visit with Casey 😊 But the shining moments, the pure imagery of the final chapter, I could see everything, smell the leather, hear it creak, and I could feel the calm and rightness that settled over both characters. Beautiful!
