Christmas at the Riverview Inn by Molly O’Keefe releasing October 1, 2020

 5 stars

Maybe we’re not rushing things,” he said, slipping his fingers into her hair, cupping her face. “Maybe we’re just catching up.”


The allure of second chance romances often leave me wondering, but with that one line, I get it. I get why I teared up and was wrung out by angst on what had happened, how people acted and reacted, and the long-term effects from that. I get why I was over a third of the way into the book before the second chance could even be possible and I cheered that it could finally happen. I get why I wanted to just sit them all down and have them really talk and really listen to each other. I get that things happen when they are supposed to, and how they are supposed to. I get that happily-ever-afters happen and they are forever, so if it takes some time to get to them, it is a drop in the bucket of time. Josie and Cam finally got their lives together, and they didn’t rush anything, they were just catching up!
