Ride the Tide by Julie Ann Walker releasing November 24, 2020

5 stars

This was definitely a “one more chapter” read. When you’re reading, and you know you need to stop, because, well, life and all, and you keep telling yourself you’ll stop after one more chapter. Trouble was, this story and these characters completely drew me in and I did stop reading, but only after I had finished all the chapters!


Alex and Mason have a definite draw to each other, and Mason has been circling, Alex while she has offered herself up to him time and time again. His past makes him leery and he wants better for her than himself. She only wants him and can’t make him see otherwise. Until he caves and gives in. Of course, the bad guys have the worst timing and interfere not once but twice. Not an easy path for either of them, but the satisfaction of when everything finally comes together was great. The series is also being nicely set up for more adventure and excitement, and couples, and I can’t wait for more
