Mina’s Heart by Michele Zurlo available now!

5 stars

This was one of those reads that you end up immersed in the world and time passes and you don't realize it has. Mina and Ever fascinated me, they drew me into their thoughts, their feelings, and even when they weren't on the same wavelength, I could agree with both of them for what they did and why


The story starts in the now, and quickly moves to the then. We get the entire relationship, from when they met, until the ultimate demise, 6 years ago. This is the bulk of the book, and it is heartbreaking from the start. As much as I sometimes don't like second chance stories, this one was so appropriate as the characters needed time to grow up, find themselves, and mature. As we work through Mina and Ever's point of view, they are less than honest with the other about the fears, thoughts, and feelings they have. Mina tries at times, but Ever is so determined that he knows, that he really doesn't look any further than the surface. He doesn't share, he doesn't dig, and he isn't honest about himself. Mina hides as well, her fear, her insecurities, and her worries.


While both characters are devoted and in love with each other, they live what they think the other wants and aren't true to themselves. This works for a while, but them it all implodes spectacularily. While Mina takes stock of her life, and learns from her mistakes, Ever stews and bemoans that she left and broke his heart. When Mina returns, there is no doubt who has re-evaluated things and who is stuck in the past


But the care is still there, the feelings are still there, and these are both experienced, mature, adults now. Ever quickly sees his part in the failure of their previous relationship, and Mina has learned to speak when things are troubling her. Even with the obstacles in the way, they find themselves, and realize that this is a new beginning for them, and they will get their HEA
