Embraced in Ink by Carrie Ann Ryan releasing May 12, 2020

5 stars

Friends to lovers, a tried and true trope that shows us that love makes you do the wacky! Why you ask? Well, our characters forget everything about being friends, concentrate on the lovers, and then are confused when things start to fall apart. Luckily Marcus and Bristol wouldn’t do that, right? NO, they’ve being doing it for a decade *smh* The greatest thing to help them though is that they have been friends for so long, and the Montgomery’s aren’t really known to be a sideline family, and actually neither are the Stearn’s, Marcus’ family, so they have a whole lot of people who care for them, and about them, as a couple. Now, if at some point we could have a Montgomery family HEA where the hospital is not involved, that’d be great 😉
On a side note, I have become conditioned to always want cheese when reading a Montgomery Ink book now, and I think the books should come with a trigger warning for the lactose intolerant, or maybe we need a lactose intolerant Montgomery, and how they handle the cults, um, family’s cheese obsession!!!
