Reborn Yesterday by Tessa Bailey releasing March 16, 2020

4 stars

This was a lot of fun, and it put the “fun” in “fun”eral, ba dum dum hiss ๐Ÿ˜Š

Yes, it takes place in a funeral home, but our heroine is quirky, self-deprecating, and still is confident in who she is, and how she is. Ginny gets who she is, how she is, and while she doesn’t like how the world treats her, she has learned to accept it. Then Jonas turns her all around, with the wanting, and that connection. He keeps running from her, she keeps figuring out how to keep him coming back. NOT that he needs any help with that, he can’t stay away. Their dynamic, their banter, their attraction leaps up and brings you into the scene with them, EVERY SINGLE TIME! They are magic together, they truly and honestly are, and when the fun gives way to seriousness, to deep, soul scaring emotions, they are the light each turns to in that darkness. They get the other, they complete each other, (really, it isn’t just a corny statement) and that connection they have, it simply will not be denied, no matter how much they try to do what is right, which is the opposite of what they want, to try and keep the other safe.

Like I said, this was a lot of fun, and in the end, and from the start, it was a lot of love, not just because of fated mates, but because two people found that other person who gets them!
