Cold Justice by Bianca Sommerland and Tibby Armstrong releasing March 24, 2020

5 stars

I don’t even know where to start? Wren was so, so, so much more than he appeared. Doc was unbelievably more complex than I could have ever imagined. But the beauty of this story is, they saw and got the other. Not after getting to know each other, not after long conversations, but by observing and seeing, what they do best. Wren and Jared (Doc) aren’t loud, they aren’t in your face, and because some of their closest friends are so much out there, people overlook or misunderstand them. That’s okay though, because they get each other. Once they get each other, fight for the other, and realize their worth and importance, others start to see the real them too.

Wren and Jared are a significant part of the The Asylum, and by the end of their story, not only those around them, but they themselves finally realize that. Wren and Jared are an essential part of life to Jamie and Noah, and that gets worked out as well. At one point I was confused, thinking why we had so much Noah and Jamie story, again, and then it all clicked together. We are at book four in this series, and our four subs had a …… squabble, a sub-squabble, broken up by Rhodey, of all people (still not a Rhodey fan, but I don’t still dislike him as vehemently now). Jared, Noah, Lawson, and Curtis achieve a balance they didn’t have, haven’t had, despite their years and history. Cracks are discovered, healing begins, comfort is given, and strength of the synergy is always on tap for however has need of it. That is the heart of this series, the name of this series, and the strength of this series, but more importantly, this book showed the warmth of this series with Wren and Jared’s story
