Secrets of the Riverview Inn by Molly O’Keefe releasing February 3, 2020

5 stars

“we’re fighters not fighting” and that explains the heart and soul of this book. Max shut down years ago, but really stopped two years ago. He doesn’t talk about it, he doesn’t do anything about it, he just goes through his life. Finally, with Delia, with Josie, and with an abrupt change in his comfort zone, he wakes up and starts fighting. Delia has been trying to keep things on the smooth, on the even, and do what is right for everyone but her. Once she realizes she can trust her instincts, that Max helps her understand she can trust her instincts, her worst fears come true, but she is solid in her resolve and bravery, to get her life back on the track of her choosing

Max, Delia, and little Josie stole my heart from the start. All three, so strong, so stubborn, so hurt and confused. Max and Delia recognize themselves in the other, but are determined to stay away. The force pulling them together battles against their inner demons, and they slip sometimes. So much hurt and pain on their hearts, it takes an awakening of sorts from Max, for him to be the fighter he is, to wake that in Delia, and to place their family together!
