5 stars
How did we
not see this coming???? Everything we know of Max, her one true nemesis, her
weakness when she is home with her sisters, the one who never gives up on
annoying her, pursuing her, and that she just can’t back away from, the feral
cat in their neighbourhood. Which means, it was only poetic justice, when at
7% into our rip-roaring, loud out loud, action packed tale, she states “That’s
my kitty cat. You can’t shoot my kitty cat.”it all made sense
Max doesn’t
like cats, never has, and Zé is no exception "And this was why Max hated
cats! Tricky, evil, fur-licking cats!" but he wiggles into her conscious
and she is inexplicably drawn to him. And what a cat he is, between his
antics, "Then, with his gaze still on Dutch, Zé slowly reached over and,
with a flick of his wrist, knocked Dutch’s soda out of his hand." And Max’s
one-liners “It’s quickly turning into a teddy bear picnic. I thought I’d go
out and pick up some liquor.” And the story in general “&#@k!” the last
human male exploded. “More badgers!”", I was laughing so hard in places,
I had to stop and catch my breath
attraction is there too, but finding time and place is isn’t easy, as Charlie
clearly states to Max, “@#%k the cat on your own time. Let’s go! Let’s go!
Let’s go!”, there is always something that needs to be done. When they
finally get time on their own, they are explosive together, well matched, physically
and emotionally, and Max’s cat has her pegged 😊
There were some
emotional moments as well. Settling of some matters with their extended
family, and Max coming to the realization that she has a heart and feelings. “Family
is family.” That’s what Carlie had taught Max. But it was Charlie who’d
taught Max that family only mattered “if they are in it with you. To the end.
Do or die.”. Max won my heart, Zé won my heart, and Charlie, Berg, Stevie, Shen,
and Kyle, yes Kyle is still around, burrowed deeper into it
And fear
not fellow Honey Badger lovers, I don’t think this will be the end….
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