5 stars
"How many buttons"
This phrase completely explains Cam and Ainsley. Started off in coercion, ending with fun, these two were perfect for each other. The more we learn about them, the more that becomes apparent. They love with their whole being, but past pains have taught them to be cautious. They are fun and free spirited, and life has tended to rob them of their simple joys. They have great heat and attraction, and are perfectly matched in the bed chamber, and try hard to keep their heart out of it. But, they were lost to each other when their first met, and that was forever, it just took them some time to realize it!
"How many buttons"
This phrase completely explains Cam and Ainsley. Started off in coercion, ending with fun, these two were perfect for each other. The more we learn about them, the more that becomes apparent. They love with their whole being, but past pains have taught them to be cautious. They are fun and free spirited, and life has tended to rob them of their simple joys. They have great heat and attraction, and are perfectly matched in the bed chamber, and try hard to keep their heart out of it. But, they were lost to each other when their first met, and that was forever, it just took them some time to realize it!
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