Flawed Justice by Bianca Sommerland releasing October 24, 2019

5 stars

This book was amazingly wonderful! If it wasn’t for the fact I needed sleep, I would never have set it down once I started. As it was, I stayed up way past when I should, have to read it 😊 😊 😊.

This is a wonderful world, full of people who were less than valued, thrown away, not wanted, and they found a place where they all fit in. They all fit in their own ways, with their own strengths, and they have their own weaknesses as well. They carry the scars inflicted on their souls, and they hope for better, while making this place, their world, their better place

Matt never gave up, and life had been pretty crappy to him. He is the hope, and the hopelessness, that drives our story. Lawson long ago gave up, and even when he was given hope, he feels it is all gone again. Until he meets Matt. Their worlds collide violently, and they crash into each other emotionally. Everything hurts, but everything is better, when they are together.

It takes some to work things out, and the path is fraught with sharpness and pain, blood and bone, but they make it, because Matt has the willpower, and Lawson needs the peace he finds with Matt
