5 stars
I expected
to be emotionally devastated by this book, and it had it’s moments, but not
all from what I figured would happen. See, I knew our sweetest drummer ever
Tate, was in a bad place. He actually held it together pretty good by repressing.
North completely took me by surprise with his background. And then North
again caught me off-guard with his mindfulness. North flattened me with his
insight, his depth of emotions, and his overall wonderfulness. Tate felt the
same, and the two finally found their even-keel. Not easily, not quickly, and
not without hurt and pain, but nothing worth fighting for ever came perfectly
for these two
We also got
another relationship here, and while the characters had me confused as to
their place in the story, it quickly became apparent where they belonged
And, things
ain’t over, because we have a new story arc 😊
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