Unleashed by Diana Palmer releasing June 25, 2019

4 stars
Clancey was refreshing as a Palmer heroine. She had faced hard times, yes. She had a health issue, yes. She was terrified of men, double yes. She was naïve in a way that made absolutely no sense, but of course. But she didn’t shy away from her life. She didn’t bemoan her situation; she took action to look after herself. She had a sense of humour that was applicable to her surroundings. She didn’t hold out foolish hope that someone would fix things for her.

Banks also was a refreshing Palmer hero. He didn’t pick on, belittle, abuse, or bully Clancey. They were co-workers, and he enjoyed her company at work, but didn’t really pay attention to her otherwise. Until he did, and then he started to take notice of all sorts of things. He supported her, comforted her, and he got to know her. And he liked her, was attracted to her, and the more he got to know her, naturally, organically, he fell in love with her

Of course, there is a bad guy, and things come to a head. But even with that, the suspense and story on the mystery, was fresh and not worn out and re-played. This was a very good, very nice, romantic suspense, with hints of enemies to lovers, and a well-paced slow burn to the HEA!

We all know that Diana Palmer books come infused with her belief structure, and this one is no different, but on a different level. She plays down the ‘pureness’ of our heroine and her dedication to being ‘out of sync’ with the times. She actually has a religious zealot in the middle of on the story arc’s, and how out of sync she is with her normalcy. No, this time, it is climate change. How, greenhouse gases aren’t to cause for the changing climate, because, you know, the ice age happened and there were no factories. Climate change is just a normal, natural, way of the earth. You know you are going to get it, and it was refreshing to see something new. Always watch the crazy, at the very least, for the comedic statements, and the very most, to see the blatant stupidity. Can’t turn away from it though, so it is my car crash, train wreck, daytime tv drama!
