5 stars
I have always loved Luca, so when his story was going to be
told from his point of view, I was so very happy! He was even more perfect once
I saw things from his side, what his thoughts were, how his emotions played
out, the struggles he dealt with internally. I always loved Luca, and after
seeing so much as him, it made me understand even more fully why Aria fell for
This book allows us behind his veil, but it is so clear this
is what Aria saw in him all along. Almost from the beginning, she felt his
soul, shone light into his dark, and held his heart. This book may be from Luca’s
view point, but it also gave insight into Aria. Her actions and reactions. Why
she did some of things that she did, because she knew Luca. Her knowing who he
was, allowed her to be who she is
This gives a little more backstory, and a few extra scenes
that happened off page, but it is Luca and Aria’s love story from the start,
and it was just as beautiful and touching this time around, as it was when we
saw it from Aria’s side. Love, love, loved it!
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