In Moonlight and Memories Volume 2 by Julie Ann Walker releasing July 1, 2019

5 stars

The story picks up immediately where our previous book ended. And it is just as enchanting as the previous book. The suspense in this one, it grows, it builds, and it crashes down on us at the very end. We fall for our characters even more. Ache with them, and hurt with them. We feel their moments of joy, the times of hurt, and the confusion of attraction

Maggie, Luc, and Cash are stumbling forward with each other. Unsure, but committed to each other. Maggie has to face some harsh realities, experience some personal pain, and let go of the guilt she still harbours. It is a transformation, personal growth, and self-awareness. She doesn’t change her feelings, she adjusts them, to be in alignment with the now, not the then

Maggie, Luc, and Cash are on a crash course with their past and presents intertwining, and hoping they survive the moment!
