Twisted Pride by Cora Reilly releasing April 16, 2019

Twisted Pride by Cora Reilly

HUMUNGEOUS Book hangover – be extra warned, this book will invade your consciousness, your sub-consciousness, all your waking hours, and your sleeping hours as well! Why you ask? Well, because that happens, ………and then……… was just wow when………….I mean how could………….So, this won’t be a synopsis review, but trust me when I say, everything you might have been waiting for, will happen. Along with some things you never thought of. But it also leaves some things yet to occur

So how did this book make me feel? Because that is kind of safe to talk about. It made me cry, a lot, a lot a lot. Aching tears, sad tears, frustrated tears, even a few happy tears. I had a couple moments when I laughed at loud, courtesy of Savio. I had moments of deep contentment, mostly courtesy of Nino and Kiara. But everything else, every emotion, putting me through the wringer came at the hands of Remo and Serafina. Together or separate, with each other or their families, they tore at my soul and my emotions could not be kept at bay

This book, in this series, these characters, in these families, well, they come to life, and I experienced everything with them. It is tortured, it is painful, but it is also so beautiful. Remo and Serafina find their peace within, and then see that calm in the other. The chaos is there, and is weaved within that peace that they find together. Heart-breaking, heart-wrenching, and heart-bursting love, and a perfect match for this wild pair!
