When you loved once, and lost. And loved twice, and lost everything,
you are existing in your world, but not living, because living hurts too much.
When you have been reserved all your life, and when you tired to step out, it
was worse then you expected, you internalize. When life gives you something to
focus all your efforts and energy on, you grab it, hold it, and devote yourself
to them. Then these two lives intercept, and they are forever changed
Wasn’t a Gonzo fan, not even a little. I know he came
around, and everyone was okay with him, but I hold grudges. Now, I am still not
a huge Gonzo fan, but I loved him in this story. I adored the way he threw
himself into the situation, and gave 100% of himself, and did what was best for
everyone, and wasn’t selfish. I admit, I was worried, because Constance didn’t
endear herself to me right away either. But she grew on me, and I felt with
her, saw with her, and understood with her.
In other words, I loved Gonzo and Constance’s story, and they
are better together than apart, and in the end, that is what a good
relationship does, makes you better together!
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