Okay, I liked so much about this book. I loved our heroine, her determination, her backbone, and her vulnerability. She was easy to like there was so much good about her, and she wasn't annoying. I wanted her to find someone, and I was even okay with it being our rancher hero. Yes, he figured out her wanted her but did squat about it at the time. He did finally come around though, and it was almost like we got two characters in one for him
So the problem? When our hero flipped out at our heroine for cheating, which that was essentially what he was doing with her. That he claimed he was 'blind' to the abuse his fiancee rained down on his daughter when he was right there beside her when she did it.
Another problem? This is in most DP books, and while just a little but here, maybe the above set me off, but the belief that only a religious woman would remain a virgin. Like, what? huh? I would just once like to see a DP heroine who kept her virginity because she wanted to, not someone else dictating what she should do with her body. Or, she hadn't met the right person that she wanted to be intimate with. This is so much more believable than someone say it is for religious reasons
Which brings me to my third problem, the stabs and slights to liberals in the book. It is underlying, but it was there. The hero buys an oil company and strike magically ends, and he chuckles while saying it. More signs and protestors in the street, too busy to be at home paying attention to their children. That people only focus on the negative a president does, not the good things. The situations they were in for the book, added nothing to the story, and were off-hand comments, and were not needed. Political leanings can absolutely be included in books by authours, but for me, even if I disagree, it should add to the development of the characters or the story. That was not the case here
So, there was lots I liked about the story, and even both characters by the end, but there were just a few too many things that downed it to an okay read for me
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