My Wicked Prince by Molly O'Keefe releasing next week!

My Wicked Prince by Molly O'Keefe

Whoa, that was hot, positively scorching heat between Gunnar and Brenna! The story could be full of angst, with a heavy frost weighing it down, but then they connect, and it all melts away. Told in alternating viewpoints, starting in the now, and then giving a good long look at the then, there is no subterfuge on Brenna’s part, but Gunnar knows the game he must play all too well. A smidgen of taboo, a bit of a mad king, an evil uncle, and a gold-digging mother, surround our lovers as they muddle through the world they live in. And cause each other pain. Because they care. And when all is lost, they finally, finally, get the HEA that they should have had all those years ago. Perfect!
